Un puente de voz táctico para despliegues sobre el terreno que no requiere una configuración compleja ni un entrenamiento exhaustivo.


Puente de voz portátil para despliegues interinstitucionales que no requiere una configuración compleja ni una formación exhaustiva.


Un sistema ampliable con un núcleo asequible que puede expandirse


Sistema robusto de interoperabilidad de voz, datos y radio para condiciones extremas.


Un robusto sistema que combina interoperabilidad de voz, datos y radio para su uso en entornos clasificados.


Sistemas de comunicación escalables que pueden actuar como respaldo del COE y como centro de mando portátil.

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Solución de comunicaciones de despliegue táctico para operaciones de coalición.

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3 ted talks every emergency manager should watch

25 julio 2016 2 minutos
Disaster Response

Here’s our selection of the Best TED Talks for Emergency Managers. Hopefully, these technologies will become increasingly used in the future.

Shigeru Ban: Emergency shelters made from paper

Long before sustainability was a buzzword, Pritzker Prize-winning architect Shigeru Ban had begun his experiments with ecologically sound building materials such as cardboard tubes. His remarkable structures are often intended as temporary housing for disaster-struck nations such as Haiti, Rwanda, Japan. Yet often the buildings remain a beloved part of the landscape long after they have served their intended purpose. (Filmed at TEDxTokyo.)


Robin Murphy: These robots come to the rescue after a disaster

When disaster strikes, who’s first on the scene? More and more, it’s a robot. In her lab, Robin Murphy builds robots that fly, tunnel, swim and crawl through disaster scenes, helping firefighters and rescue workers save more lives safely — and help communities return to normal up to three years faster.


Michael McDaniel: Cheap, effective shelter for disaster relief

Michael McDaniel designed housing for disaster relief zones — inexpensive, easy to transport, even beautiful – but found that no one was willing to build it. Persistent and obsessed, he decided to go it alone. At TEDxAustin, McDaniel show us his Exo Reaction Housing Solution, and asks us to prepare for the next natural disaster.



If you know amazing technologies that have the capacity to substantially improve Emergency Response, please let us know in the Comment Section below !

Base Camp Connect

Base Camp Connect provides rapidly deployable communications to public safety agencies to help them bridge communication gaps in the field. BCC empowers Military and First Responders by proposing communications go-kit that are simple to use, portable, configurable, and that doesn't require training to operate them.

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