Pont de communication tactique à déployer sur le terrain ne nécessitant aucune configuration complexe ou formation poussée


Pont de communication à déployer pour des opérations inter-agences ne nécessitant aucune configuration complexe ou formation poussée


Un système extensible doté d’un noyau abordable et expansible


Système robuste alliant l’interopérabilité voix, données et radio conçu pour les conditions difficiles


Système robuste combinant interopérabilité voix, données et radio pour une utilisation dans des conditions difficiles.


Systèmes de communication évolutifs qui peuvent servir de solutions de secours à un centre des interventions d’urgence ou servir de centre de commande

BCC-MIL Séries

Solution de communication tactique déployable pour les opérations conjointes ou de coalition

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On-Demand Webinar for Incident Management Teams

07 novembre 2017 2 minutes
Interventions d'urgences

Last week, we made a webinar in collaboration with the All-Hazards Incident Management Teams Association. The session provided an overview about emergency communications and related technologies adapted for Incident Management Teams.

We addressed three main topics:

Interoperability: Communicate with different public safety agencies & private companies with different equipment. What are the different levels of radio interoperability for first responders according to the homeland security and which interoperability solution should be implemented for local, state and federal agencies.

Autonomy: Communicate no matter what happens. You need to be fully independent with your communication needs, you can’t rely on infrastructures. What equipment do you need to have a complete autonomy of communication operations. This way you can ensure continuity of operations no matter what.

Ease of Use: Flexible and easy-to-use equipment.  Do you really know what you should consider to scale the ease of use and flexibility? Find out what are the 7-abilities to ease of use.

Click here to download the recorded session.

We all know that we need communications in events such as Harvey to coordinate emergency response efforts. However, how do we do that when infrastructures are down and there’s no power?

Watch this webinar to learn how to overcome these communications challenges and what capacities your communication equipment should have to be effective on the ground at all times.

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Base Camp Connect

Base Camp Connect est une entreprise qui développe, produit et commercialise des solutions de communication. Nous avons développé une solution unique qui fournit l'interopérabilité entre la voix, les données et les radios pour les militaires et les services d'urgence.

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