Voice Bridge tática para utilização em campo, com configuração simples e sem a necessidade de um longo treinamento.


Voice Bridge portátil para utilização entre agências que não requer configurações complexas nem longos treinamentos


Um sistema ampliável, com uma base econômica que pode ser ampliada


Sistema robusto que combina voz, dados e interoperabilidade de rádio, para uso em situações difíceis.


Um sistema robusto que combina voz, dados e interoperacionalidade de rádio para utilização em ambientes sigilosos.


Sistemas de comunicação escalonáveis, que podem atuar como um backup do EOC (Centro de operações de emergência) e um centro de comando portátil.

BCC-MIL Series

Solução de comunicações táticas utilizável em operações conjuntas e de coalizão.

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[PODCAST] Espresso with an Emergency Manager

24 abril 2018 2 minutos
Emergency Management
Public Safety

This week on our blog, BaseCamp Connect, in collaboration with EPIC Podcast, interviewed the President of IAEM Canada, Greg Solecki. Join us to learn more about disaster management, emergency communications, and Emergency Operation Center (EOC) best practices.

epic podcast snipet



greg solecki

What’s the most important quality an emergency manager should have?

Leadership, which entails understanding how to provide that leadership at all levels.

Which tools and applications would you recommend to other emergency managers?

A whiteboard and a marker!

How do you keep up to date, what sort of publications do you track, what sort of blogs do you read?

I spend a lot of time with the NPLI, the National Preparedness Leadership Institute, out of Harvard. I definitely follow a lot of those folks that have done the research about emergency management and crisis management. On the other side of it, I’m always looking through Wired magazine because they’re ahead of the game in a lot of different areas.

What’s your favorite ICS position?

Besides being in the leadership role, communications has to be my favorite one.

What’s your favorite hazard?

I guess probably flooding since I have so much experience with it.

What’s your favorite disaster phase?

It would have to be the response side of it still.

In your own words and from your experience, what is disaster management really all about?

It’s the people side of it. Considering that disasters are largely social, we have to always be aware of that impact. Our response is also based on the human conditions, people are affected, and then you got people helping people so you can’t get away from that aspect at all.

Base Camp Connect

Base Camp Connect provides rapidly deployable communications to public safety agencies to help them bridge communication gaps in the field. BCC empowers Military and First Responders by proposing communications go-kit that are simple to use, portable, configurable, and that doesn't require training to operate them.

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