Un puente de voz táctico para despliegues sobre el terreno que no requiere una configuración compleja ni un entrenamiento exhaustivo.


Puente de voz portátil para despliegues interinstitucionales que no requiere una configuración compleja ni una formación exhaustiva.


Un sistema ampliable con un núcleo asequible que puede expandirse


Sistema robusto de interoperabilidad de voz, datos y radio para condiciones extremas.


Un robusto sistema que combina interoperabilidad de voz, datos y radio para su uso en entornos clasificados.


Sistemas de comunicación escalables que pueden actuar como respaldo del COE y como centro de mando portátil.

BCC-MIL Series

Solución de comunicaciones de despliegue táctico para operaciones de coalición.

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Communications Equipment Grant Guide

09 mayo 2017 2 minutos
Grant & Funding

Let’s face it, an increasing number of public safety agencies are looking up to grants as a revenue stream to fund their operational equipment and personnal needs that are beyond their operational budget.

But with the complexity of grant cycle and the competition among public safety agencies, it’s a big challenge to get a grant for your communications equipment.


Here are just a few topics we cover:

  • How to define your organization’s needs. Evaluators need to know exactly what you need. A big plus here is if you’ve already identified this need in your strategic planning process and have not been able to fund it through your normal budgeting process.
  • Grant funding sources. Quick types on how to search easily and effectively on the web.
  • How to write a strong narrative.The number one reason why grant applications are denied? Failure for the grant seeker to follow directions. Once you have found a grant you want to apply for, and are sure you meet the eligibility requirements, read the current RFP very carefully.
  • How to manage your grant once awarded. Congratulations! You’ve been successful in obtaining the grant for your defined need. Now, it’s time to put it to use.
  • What to do if you didn’t get the grant. Request feedback from the grant source; specifically, you’re looking for guidance on why your application was turned down and what you can do to strengthen your application for future submissions.

Grants Guide Tablet Mockup gOOD ONE-1.png


Base Camp Connect

Base Camp Connect provides rapidly deployable communications to public safety agencies to help them bridge communication gaps in the field. BCC empowers Military and First Responders by proposing communications go-kit that are simple to use, portable, configurable, and that doesn't require training to operate them.

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